Customizing My Payment Form (Optional)
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You can enhance your payment form by adding custom questions that ticket buyers must answer during purchase. These custom fields help you gather important information and organize your sales data.
Allows buyers to enter any text response
Best for open-ended questions
One question with one text box for response
Example Uses:
"Please enter your child's classroom number"
"How did you hear about our raffle?"
"Enter the player's name you're supporting"
"What is your student's grade?"
Presents buyers with specific options to choose from
Creates categorized sales reports based on responses
Helps track and analyze ticket sales by category
Example Uses:
Select a sports team:
Under 12s
Under 14s
Senior Team
Choose a classroom:
Room 1A
Room 1B
Room 2A
Select how you heard about us:
Social Media
School Newsletter
Write your question in the "Multi-Choice Question" field
Click "Add Option" button for each new choice
Type one response option in each new field that appears
Continue adding options using the "Add Option" button
Don't type all options in a single field
Don't separate options with commas or semicolons
Don't try to write multiple options in one response field
Don't ask for personal information they have already inputted as you will already have access to it (e.g. name, email, phone #)
Consider listing options alphabetically if order doesn't matter
NOTE: the options will be presented in the order you fill them out and it cannot be easily changed
Keep option text clear and concise
Include an "Other" option if appropriate
Limit the number of options to prevent overwhelming buyers
Automatically categorizes sales in reports
Creates easy-to-read sales breakdowns
Helps track promotional effectiveness
Simplifies data analysis
Makes it easier to identify top-performing categories
All custom fields are mandatory for ticket buyers
Multi-choice questions make data analysis easier than free text
You can edit options after setting them up, but you cannot easily change the order in which they are presented on your payment form, so it's best to plan them carefully first
"Which classroom is your child in?"
"Which grade level are you supporting?"
"Which school event did you hear about this from?"
"Which team are you supporting?"
"Which age group are you associated with?"
"Which club facility would you like to support?"
"Which program are you supporting?"
"Which branch are you associated with?"
"Which event did you hear about this from?"